Calculate your warranty easily

Wooden window frames with an industrial paint system of Anker Stuy Verven always comply with the minimum maintenance requirements set within the KOMO certification. But often a much longer maintenance interval is possible. With our How often should I paint module you can calculate this yourself. The calculation is intended for newly produced joinery and not for the maintenance of existing window frames.

During the module you will be asked questions about: position in the façade, installation height, climate, type of wood and colour. Once these questions have been answered, the module tells you how long it will take before the joinery needs painting. The calculation basically assumes a period of 10 years between paint jobs. Depending on the situation, years are added for favourable conditions and years are subtracted for choices that are unfavourable for the life span of the paint.

Is the result not what you want? No problem, change the design, wood type or colour and the module will make a new proposal. This way, maintenance frequency and costs can already be taken into account in the design.

Do you want a warranty on the maintenance period? That is also possible in consultation with our partners who manufacture the windows, doors and frames. 

"*" indicates required fields

1Contact details
2Application class
3Installation height
5Wood specie
6Colour scheme

Contact details

Fill in your name and email address, follow the process (takes 3 minutes max) and get an advice about the maintenance free period for wooden facade elements.

If you like, we can contact to put the advice into a maintenance free warranty.